Sunday, August 17, 2008

a frickin awesome collab.

i have "internet known" a number of people since my parent's hooked up a 28.8 connection in 1997 (and i proceeded to learn html within a month), and one of those people i've gotten to know is evan ferstenfeld. he is better known as frikinawesome at threadless.

he has a lot of fantastic ideas (just look at his slogans) and has had a pretty lucrative side gig collaborating with a number of different threadless designers, and he has had a number of his ideas printed (slogans and collabs)

he showed me a few of his ideas, and this one struck me, so we spent a couple weeks (most of that time accounted for my e-mail server screwing up) putting this together:

Bad Hare Day - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

once it's up for voting, i'd appreciate your input!

Here's how we made it:

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