Saturday, January 24, 2009

design overload!

after submitting "game over." to threadless and having the submission denied for copyright reasons. i hit the threadless blogs and asked what I could remove to make the design less of a possible legal hassle and i was prompted via email to visit the owner previously ran (i believe) and brought over that slew of shirts and made in threadless' likeness. the big difference is that the winners of the ongoing design contest don't get prize money; instead they earn 20% of all profits for life on every shirt sold. and they have a penchant for the busted tees and snorg tees style (in fact, loiterink has quite a number of designs on sale at one or the other), so i was able to pull up some of the designs that threadless wouldn't have any interest in and finally try my hand at a place that digs 'em.

a number of them are resubmissions of my threadless works (with slight retools):
go ahead, make my day.
pen fifteen.
the secret of vyagra.
sesame street fighter.
fruit luips.
aquanet lincoln.

and a bunch of designs never submitted anywhere:
boats n' hos
the death of super grover.
duck, duck, top gun reference.
kill them with kindness.
channel five.
and the design that lead me to loiterink:
game over.

here they are in absolutely no order whatsoever:

loiterink subs.

Monday, January 19, 2009

game over.

unfortunately for yoshi, the most delicious fruit often hung over tar pits.

game over.

check out the threadless submission below, i included a "video game" to make it a lil' more fun.

the design didn't make it into the contest for possible copyright issues. read the next, more recent post to see where it ended up!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

back in the saddle 2: electric boogaloo

i haven't been on a designing streak per sé, but i do have another design pending at threadless.

the great bullet train robbery.

the great bullet train robbery. - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

as well as this design in the critiques:

rocket boots never really caught on.

titled "rocket boots never really caught on."

help me make absurd amounts of money.

the threadless bestee awards are underway.

threadless is giving the years best design (by votes from the citizens of the internet) $20,000. and i'm up for it.

i'm also up against over 300 other designs, most of which eat my designs lunch.

but if you want to help me at least get one single vote (i voted on someone else's design) i'd appreciate it.

or, you can vote on someone else's too, why waste your vote?

threadless bestee awards

click here.

remember, mine is the bowling pin with the bowler hat perched upon it, titled.. get this: "bowler."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

back in the saddle.

after a 2 month break from any new design work at threadless, i finall started adding some new designs (oddly, after my christmas break and not during)

i have these 2 designs up for scoring soon at threadless.

spencer. - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

teddy terror. - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

and a few older designs submitted to a UK company, chimpogo, which has a scoring system very much like threadless' set-up:

by dann Matthews

hank the handsome hippo...
by dann Matthews