Sunday, October 4, 2009

nerdy butterfly!

i have a new submission up at threadless that i'm particularly proud of.

there's a themed contest running titled "threadless loves geeks", and i frantically bugged friends on facebook and followers on twitter to lend me their glasses so i could put this together:
pretty geeky.

many many thanks to my friend dean for the photoshoot.

i created the design to display empty lenses in low light, and then when it's exposed to sunlight (uv ink) the monarch-like pattern appears. the transition can be seen here:
 - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

i've titled it "lycaena gygax.", lacaena being the butterfly genus, and gygax being the last name of the creator of dungeons and dragons. i played with the geeky name in the tag in the larger image you see above in the blog, but i chickened out of including it in the design when no one seemed to know why gygax was :P

on a personal note; the apartment's all packed up. we move into our house on friday.


Unknown said...

This is definitely a piece of art, I love it.

dann said...


it didn't score as well as i had hoped at threadless. but then again, i had low expectations for my highest scored threadless design.