Tuesday, July 13, 2010

july updates.

rather than attempt a cutesy title for this post, i think july updates will suffice.

i have been paying much more attention to my tweets and facebook than i have this poor blog, so i'll place a creative dump of everything i have worked on for the last month.

helmet no.4.
martes 13.
scream, frankenstein! scream!
under the sea.
the life aquatic.
ptero pteam.

some of these will be up for voting at threadless soon:
the life aquatic. - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
martes 13. - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

this one is already in the running at threadless:
scream, frankenstein! scream! - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

and a bit of good news, shirt.woot will be featuring one of my designs sometime soon. good news for me, as i needed to pay for a window i broke, repair some plumbing and get caught up on some bills.

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